Missing teeth? Consider implants!

Missing teeth? Consider implants! | Health | Dental | Converge

Have you lost a tooth? There are several prosthetic methods from which you can choose to fill the gap. A dental implant in Richmond is an option that is fast becoming one of the most popular methods of dental restoration. 

What is the reason for a dental implant’s popularity?

Dentures and bridges might serve their purpose. By wearing them, you can smile bearing a set of brilliant teeth and regain your quality of life, to an extent. 

That said, after a couple of years of wearing them, the devices become problematic in their own way. 

When you lose a tooth, the tissue surrounding it resorbs because, the tooth that once exercised it by chewing, eating and talking, is no longer there. Wearing dentures will not help to revive the understimulated tissue because the device is not replaced at the root.    

A dental implant, on the other hand, is drilled into the jawbone in the space where your tooth once was. Essentially, the implant preserves your jaw and prevents your facial structure softening due to progressive bone deterioration. 

Is a dental implant expensive?

The initial costs of a dental implant are more expensive than its alternatives, but you have to consider the long-term benefits. 

A dental implant in Richmond can last for a very long time, even for the rest of your life, if you take care of it. It still needs ample TLC despite not being a ‘real’ tooth. 

Looking after an implant does not require specific brushing techniques nor special cleaning solutions. Clean them how you usually would, brushing twice a day, following by flossing and rinsing with a mouthwash. 

You do not need to be careful about the things you eat – consuming foods that are hot or cold will not jeopardise your new tooth. Biting down into a hard boiled sweet will not break or crack it either. 

Speak freely without facing speech impediments caused by a loose denture. The only way a dental implant can be removed from your mouth is surgically by a trained professional. 

Am I healthy enough?

Missing teeth? Consider implants! | Health | Dental | Converge

For implantation to be a success, you need bone for the doctor to drill a hole big enough for the titanium screw to fit comfortably. 

Not having enough bone is grounds for an initial rejection. That said, a dental implant might still be possible if you first undergo a bone graft. A bone graft involves transplanting bone from another part of your body to the jaw. 

Gingivitis, the gum disease must also be treated before you can consider a dental implant. A deep clean at your local dentist is all you need to undergo to heal your infected gums. 

Is there a chance of my dental implant failing?

The implant is made from a durable metal, titanium, that your body sees as tissue and integrates it with your mouth. This occurrence minimises the chance of your implant failing. 

Precautions are taken before the procedure to ensure the implant’s chance of success – like ensuring there is enough bone and no threatening infections present. 

That said, an allergy to metal might result in your body rejecting the titanium. This allergy, however, is incredibly rare. 

Restore your quality of life and gain the confidence to smile with a dental implant.

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