6 Biggest Reasons Your Company Should Switch to Cloud Solutions in 2022

The advantages of cloud solutions in IT and computing have been easier to understand since the Covid-19 pandemics started and introduced work from home measures. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, from 2019 through 2020, many Aussie companies have switched to cloud technology. In this period, the business use of paid cloud computing reached 55%, up from 42% in 2017-18.

For these companies, the work-from-home transition has been much easier to manage than it would be just ten years ago. The reason is simple – technology advancement. Today, every employee has a computer or a smartphone. With a good cloud solution, that may be enough to keep the work process running, even during a major crisis, without any interruption. If you haven’t switched to the cloud yet, discover six main reasons why transiting to cloud solutions should be your primary company goal for 2022.

Your business will be more flexible

Companies that invest in cloud-based solutions are provided with a high level of flexibility. There is no longer a need to buy and install hardware and upgrades in-house. Remote cloud servers grant almost unlimited storage and bandwidth, enabling companies to scale up and down their capacities, sustain growth and cope with website traffic.

In addition, cloud computing also provides improved workplace flexibility. By using cloud solutions, the employees can now access data and applications on a remote server. They can continue their work processes remotely. Anywhere and anytime, from any device with an internet connection. Flexible and remote working is desirable incentives for many employees. Especially when their job doesn’t demand everyday office presence in a specific timeframe. 

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You’ll scale more easliy

Another great advantage of cloud computing is its scalability. A company can scale up or scale down the IT infrastructure and applications depending on the changing needs of the business. In other words, a company can adjust its infrastructure on the go and never lose the competitive edge. When it needs more resources, it can quickly upscale and then downscale again if needed. 

The best thing about it is that a company can now grow and deliver high-quality services and solutions to even more clients without major investments in new, expensive equipment. That’s why cloud-based solutions are perfect for organizations with fluctuating or growing demands.

You’ll save on operational costs

One of the most significant benefits of using cloud computing is that it will reduce operational costs. Switching to a cloud platform means removing the need for on-site storage equipment and application requirements. Many Australian companies have recognized that they don’t need to pay unnecessary capital investments or deal with maintenance. They’ve opted for cloud services in Sydney that host and manage the required hardware and software in their facilities.

Consequently, other costs are also reduced, such as management, data storage, software updates, and support. Initially, companies need to make a little investment, but cloud-based services are cheaper to use in the long run. These solutions are typically sold on a pay-per-use basis, which means that a company can get precisely what it needs, with guaranteed ROI. 

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Your data will be more secure

Keeping data online, stored on the cloud, will keep the company safe from two of the most common ways of data loss – accidentally deleting the file or a hard disk failure. As cybersecurity has become a pressing issue, companies should also advance data security and protect their customers, employees, and brand.

Using the cloud provides companies greater control over critical access points to their cloud, making the security issue much easier to manage. At the same time, it enables easy and timely cybersecurity upgrades, safeguarding the data.

Your data will be easily recoverable

If a company faces any natural or human-made disaster, internal servers, network, or backup drives can be damaged or destroyed, and along with them, all data. Such situations can impact the business drastically. With the use of the cloud, there won’t be any worries about hardware and data loss. Even if all systems crash, there is no need for concern – all data is stored in the cloud and can be quickly recovered.

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You’ll collaborate more easily

The cloud environment removes the communication barriers of traditional IT models. It significantly increases collaboration between teams and persons who have access to the same files. Staff working in different locations can now easily access information and work together with their co-workers and team leaders. Cloud computing is a service that offers more than additional storage – it helps companies streamline their business processes, collaborate better, and become more efficient as more work gets done in less time.

If your company hasn’t transitioned to using cloud solutions, make it your primary goal in the year to come.

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