Top 4 Causes of Crooked Teeth

Top 4 causes of crooked teeth

In the UK it is more common than not for patients to be unhappy with their smiles. The dental industry has seen a rise in the number of patients wanting to improve the look of their teeth. According to a RealSelf consumer survey, 43 per cent of respondents are interested in changing the way they look. With the easy availability of modern cosmetic treatments and dental technologies in braces in Milton Keynes, there has never been a better time for patients to address issues such as crooked teeth. Having straighter teeth has long been associated with higher levels of self-confidence and helps towards making a good first impression.

Causes of teeth misalignment issues

For those patients who have crooked teeth issues, what causes this dental condition is of great interest. Why do some people seem to have naturally straighter teeth and others don’t? Here’s a look at the most common reasons for misaligned teeth.

  • Modern diets

Unlike the foods humans consumed thousands of years ago, modern diets comprise of softer foods that require less chewing. Without the need to chew food more, the jawbones in modern humans do not need to work as hard, with the result that jawbones are less developed. How does this relate to a patient developing teeth misalignment issues?

The comparatively smaller jaw size of humans today is unable to accommodate the size of teeth that genetics dictate. Having to squeeze into a tighter space, it is inevitable that teeth are pushed out of alignment.

  • Poor dental development

Limited or no access to dental care in a patient’s formative years puts the patient at an increased risk of developing various dental problems including tooth loss and gum disease. Even the space left open by a single missing tooth can affect surrounding teeth and cause them to shift out of position.

  • Oral habits

There are numerous external factors that contribute to teeth misalignment issues. These range from thumb sucking in children to facial injuries that result in teeth being knocked out.

  • Genetics

For some patients, genes inherited from their parents influence teeth misalignment issues. If one or both parents have crooked teeth, it is more likely for the child to experience similar issues.

Dental treatment options for misaligned teeth

Top 4 causes of crooked teeth

Patients have the option of correcting crooked teeth issues. A consultation with a dental practitioner can find the most suitable treatment method. The NHS  advocates that children from as young as 12 and Available options for patients include an assortment of different types of fixed braces and clear plastic aligners that can be removed. Some types of teeth-correcting devices work to achieve quicker treatment times than others, however this will depend on the patient’s individual set of circumstances, such as the condition of gums.

Patients who would like to fix misalignment issues through teeth-correcting devices need to remember that they will need to be extra vigilant in their dental hygiene practice. Inadequate dental care will place their treatment plan at risk. Any concerns should be addressed by a dentist.

Let your dental professional help you achieve the best in dental health. Call now to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable and experienced dentist.

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