Expecting a baby? Congratulations!
The next 9 months are undoubtedly going to be an exciting time in both your and your partner’s life and thinking about your teeth is probably going to be the last thing on your mind.
A well known fact among dental professionals is that, during the 9 months that either you or your partner are carrying your child, the body will undergo enormous hormonal changes, to ensure that your baby is born healthy and well.
Unfortunately, these changes may not only impact on the skin and body frame, but may also have a rather large effect on the teeth too, which is why it is extremely important to locate a dentist who is trained in managing dental hygiene in pregnant women, like the dental team at Spa Dental in Sydney CBD.
But how can you improve your oral hygiene at home to accommodate these changes? Read on to find out!
Fluoride heavy toothpaste
One way your body changes during pregnancy is to play havoc with your calcium levels; the body needs those minerals to build a new person, leaving little left over to help keep your teeth healthy.
How do you combat this? Maintain regular contact with your dentist and invest in a fluoride heavy toothpaste to stave off cavities and decay.The added fluoride will coat your teeth with a protective layer, which should help repel decay causing bacteria and keep your teeth healthy.
Floss (gently!)
Flossing is an important part of daily dental hygiene and, when you are pregnant, you are likely to be eating a wide array of unusual foods due to cravings.
To combat plaque formation between your teeth, make sure to floss daily, but always be gentle; gum inflammation is also common during pregnancy and you don’t want to injure yourself.
Specialist mouthwash
In the later stages of pregnancy, it can be hard to focus on maintaining hygiene routines; many women feel exhausted and cannot be bothered to get out of bed, let alone brush and floss their teeth.
Therefore, in the early stages of pregnancy, ask your dentist for an antimicrobial mouthwash. This will help eliminate excess bacteria from your mouth during those early months and help you maintain good oral health in the later stages of pregnancy too.
Try to control morning sickness
It is well known that pregnancy often comes with morning sickness.
Although, some women suffer from ‘morning’ sickness throughout the day and for longer periods than average, meaning that there is more than the average amount of acid coming into contact with their teeth.
If you are suffering with an unmanageable level of morning sickness, visit your doctor for anti-nausea medication and alert your dentist too.
Eat healthily

You may be sick to death of hearing this, but it is important for your oral health to eat harder foods that can help break down plaque, such as fruits and raw vegetables.
While cravings can be hard to fight, make sure you eat a varied diet each day.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.