Getting Your First Trade Show Perfect

Getting Your First Trade Show Perfect | Converge

You have been offered the opportunity to go to a local trade show and show off your products. Trade shows are the perfect place to network and sell large quantities to traders, within a really short amount of time. Likely you’re going to be nervous, and the self-doubt will creep in in the lead up to the big day but fear not – here are some great tips for getting it right the first time. Picture Perfect Your stand is a representation of you and your product. It should be…

The Natural Energy Boosters You Need Now

The Natural Energy Boosters You Need Now | Converge

Sometimes rushing from home to work, working all day, fitting in gym time, getting home, cooking, cleaning and so on can just be very draining. Even the most energetic among us can begin to get a little bogged down with it all. Not everyone is keen to turn to sugar-laden energy drinks or start reaching for fast cards like crisps. If you want to keep yourself high in energy without giving in to those cravings here are some ideas to up your energy the natural way. Use Caffeine Wisely Some…

Analyze To Revolutionize Your Business

Analyze To Revolutionize Your Business | Converge

The world of the entrepreneur can be a lonely existence. If you are a sole trader, it can be difficult to reinvent the camaraderie that you had in your previous nine to five role. Everything is now on your shoulders; you are the brand, the face and the force behind your new startup. Every entrepreneur wants to make a name for themselves quickly within their chosen industry. They need to be able to compete with rivals, find their feet in the market and begin to grow. You might have the…

Is Work Getting In The Way Of Your Relationship?

Is Work Getting In The Way Of Your Relationship? | Converge

Is work getting in the way of your relationship? It very well might be! While work is an important of our life – we need the money after all – it should never be allowed to negatively affect the relationship we have with our partners. But thanks to 40-hour working weeks, time out of the house because of the commute to and from work, and the stress that work can play in our lives, our working life can impinge upon our relationships and cause them to suffer. These problems are…

Self-Care Techniques You Can Thrive on Today

Self-Care Techniques You Can Thrive on Today | Converge

Looking after yourself is something you need to make the most of these days. It can be difficult to ensure that you are doing the best you can for your health, but you have to try. It is vitally important that you do as much as possible to care for yourself and look after your body and mind. There are far too many things in the modern world that can affect and harm your physical and mental health. It is vitally important that you focus on doing the best you…

Seek Knowledge to Succeed in Business

Seek Knowledge to Succeed in Business

Starting a business is a much more accessible venture in the digital age, however that doesn’t mean mistakes can’t be made. There are a number of reasons that businesses fail to get going, but that shouldn’t be a deterrent to you if you are starting out on a new venture. One thing you can do to avoid these errors is seek advice from successful startup owners and entrepreneurs. Reaching out for help is a difficult step to take but let’s take a look at how you can go about getting…

3 Ways To Protect Yourself From Hackers

3 Ways To Protect Yourself From Hackers | Converge

We all know about hackers, but never think that we’re going to fall victim to them, especially if we don’t think that our information is that important. Surely, no one wants to find out what shows you’ve been watching on Netflix on Sunday afternoons, and you’re not exactly on a government watch list for watching 10 hours of The Office. But despite the fact that you may not think so, your data is greatly useful to a hacker. Some statistics show that around half of all Americans were hacked in…

Is Your Skin Causing You Pain? Common Issues Any One Of Us Can Face

Is Your Skin Causing You Pain | Converge

There is no hiding from our skin is there? It is an organ that covers our entire body, and one that when there is an issue, you know all about it. Many of us can ensure that we take the time to take care of our skin properly. We have regular skin care routines. We moisturise and do all of the right things. We drink plenty of water and do what we can to ensure we look healthy. But, there can be chronic skin conditions that are not curable, and…

Lazy Ways To Save The Planet

Lazy Ways To Save The Planet | Converge

You don’t have to renovate the entirety of your house to save the planet. You don’t have to fashion your own clothes from leaves and twigs you have collected to become an eco-warrior. You don’t have to stand outside your local government office to protest their tree-cutting practices to create more apartment buildings. You don’t have to do any of these things (unless you wanted to). If going green in your life seems like too much hard work, know this. There are lazy ways to save the planet. Here are…

Quick Fix Startup Growth Boosters

Quick Fix Business Growth Boosters | Converge

The rate at which startups fail is genuinely shocking. Something like 50 per cent don’t make it through the first five years, and only around 30 per cent make it to ten. One of the problems that many startups have is that their growth strategy is always a few years around the corner, rather than right now when they actually need the money. Cash flow is king, but novice entrepreneurs don’t seem to understand this simple concept, believing that they can rely on the capital of others while their plans…