Getting Your First Trade Show Perfect

Getting Your First Trade Show Perfect | Converge

You have been offered the opportunity to go to a local trade show and show off your products. Trade shows are the perfect place to network and sell large quantities to traders, within a really short amount of time. Likely you’re going to be nervous, and the self-doubt will creep in in the lead up to the big day but fear not – here are some great tips for getting it right the first time.

Picture Perfect

Your stand is a representation of you and your product. It should be of a good size and work correctly with your products. Having something with a bit of height can be advantageous in a sea of tables. The key to a great display is having things that people want to touch or look at at the front. Don’t overload the space with everything you produce, but instead, showcase your key products. You have around 5 seconds for people to look at your stall and know what the product is, or being intrigued enough to ask.

Take The Money

You might be tempted to do a handshake deal on something but just don’t. Use a mobile credit card reader or another system that can take a cash deposit there and then.

Don’t Just Sell

While this is an opportunity to sell as much as you can (within your production means at any rate), you should also see it as a great way to make a lot of contacts in your sector. While on paper the trade show might seem it is going to be lasting hours and hours, by the time you have everything set up, it will be time to break it down again. So take every opportunity to have drinks or grab a bite with anyone that you’d like to make a lasting impression on. For everyone else, take a card, hand out your card and be sure to follow up nice and quickly – even if it’s not for services.


If you happen to have a product that you can demonstrate for the passers-by then try to have that going on at all times. People have a strong sense of FOMO, and if they see a group, even if it is only 3 people, they will flock over too. While you are showing off your products, make sure that you have got a friend engaging people and also that you have a lead capture form an arm’s length away from the people who are watching. If you have something you can give away, use this to get people to tweet you brand hashtag and start a conversation online too.


It might sound a bit much, but smiling people look more approachable. You will find that successful salespeople tend to talk in a light and friendly tone, and will be smiling for most of the time. Try to keep your body languages relaxed and helpful, even during a lull. Say hi to people as they pass by, and stroll by other peoples stalls and say hi too.

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