Why You Really Must Sweat the Small Stuff if You Want to Succeed

Why You Really Must Sweat the Small Stuff if You Want to Succeed | Business | Converge

A book by Richard Carlson called Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff’ was a best seller that stayed on the New York Best Seller list for 101 weeks and was sold in 135 countries. The concepts it portrays are great on a personal level and probably for your mental health. However, where business is concerned, not sweating the small stuff could lose you customers, as it is the little things that will often send them elsewhere.

Always Be On Time

Whether you need to be on time for a meeting or with the delivery of some goods, it takes planning to achieve not being late. Planning involves little things such as making sure you are up on time or having the goods packed and ready to send.
If you are late for an important meeting it does not bode well for a good relationship with your business. When you are sending goods, it is always better they arrive early rather than late.
There can be so much small stuff involved in both of these scenarios that they cannot be ignored.

Keeping Your Promises

We have all don’t it at some point in our lives. We make a promise that becomes very difficult to keep but in business, it is vital that you always stick to what you have said. If you have promised to supply some metallic compressor valve parts by the end of the month, just as an example, you have to make sure you do just that and they should be the best they can possibly be whether you ake them yourself or buy them in. Your customer could be relying on the parts, and if you let them down they are unlikely to give you repeat business.
If you are a freelancer who has promised to have a website design finished in a week, and then miss the deadline, you will lose the customer.
Sweating the small stuff, which can be simple things like making a phone call to your supplier or making sure that you spend enough time at your desk, could mean the difference between you being able to keep your promise or not.

Make A Good Job Of it

It does not matter what trade or profession you are in if you do not do a good job your small business will be on the slippery slope to failure.  It can be the small things that create a finished product or service that is a good enough quality for your customers.
A simple thing like using good wrapping materials so that parcels do not arrive in a bad condition, or making sure that the service you provide is top-notch.
The whole thing is that what you consider small things is a matter of perception, as with everything in life, people see things differently. You might consider that offering people a tea or coffee when they arrive for a meeting is just good manners, but others will think it is not necessary.  The recipient, on the other hand, will remember how you took that trouble, even though it is a small thing, and that could help your business.

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