World, You’re Toxic!

World, You're Toxic! | Health | Lifestyle | Science | Converge

There’s a strange dichotomy when it comes to our relationship to toxic materials. Indeed, on the one hand, the news is thick with blame and inquiries when toxic wastes are involved, whether it concerns the illegal pollution of the Black Sea or the increasing dangers of abandoned building sites. People are not only made aware of the potential threats that toxins can pose to their very existence. But on the other hand, we love nothing more than a toxic scare. The toxic theme is a popular escape room game, from…

5 Rules For Doing Plumbing Work In The Home

5 Rules For Doing Plumbing Work In The Home | Lifestyle | Converge

A lot of people say that you should never do your own plumbing work and you should always rely on a professional. In some cases, that’s true. You shouldn’t go messing around with the boiler too much and if you’ve got a serious leak, you need an expert to make sure that it’s all patched up properly. But there are plenty of smaller plumbing jobs that you can absolutely do on your own, as long as you’re careful. If you make any mistakes, they could be disastrous. But as long…