Quick Fix Startup Growth Boosters

Quick Fix Business Growth Boosters | Converge

The rate at which startups fail is genuinely shocking. Something like 50 per cent don’t make it through the first five years, and only around 30 per cent make it to ten. One of the problems that many startups have is that their growth strategy is always a few years around the corner, rather than right now when they actually need the money. Cash flow is king, but novice entrepreneurs don’t seem to understand this simple concept, believing that they can rely on the capital of others while their plans…

Planning Your Business Budget

Planning Your Business Budget | Converge

From home-based businesses to big nationwide organisations, one of the most important things business owners need to do is plan their budget effectively, and ensure that they keep it under control. This could mean everything from scaling back your everyday business costs to dealing with your taxes. The only trouble is that this is a lot easier said than done. Keeping that in mind, read on to discover some crucial advice… Hire an accountant The first thing you need to do is make sure you hire a top chartered accountant.…

Relationship of Christianity & Capitalism

Capitalism has its roots in religion, specifically in Christianity. The first instance where capitalism began to be recognized was in the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages. There were monasteries that rationalized economic life and began to put into place practices that favored private ownership of goods and services that were provided to individuals for the payment of a fee. Historian and sociologist, Randall Collins, said thatthe Church was the first place to put the rule of law and a system that resolves disagreements rationally into an economic marketplace. The Church…

Everything is Selling: How to Sell Your Idea, Message, Product, or Service in the Most Effective Way Possible with Zig Ziglar and Kevin Harrington

Selling is everything. Selling is the prerequisite to success. That’s what the founder of modern-day selling, Zig Ziglar, and countless other successful people have believed. There’s a reason more than half of the Forbes billionaire list started out as salespeople. The number of today’s leaders who’ve succeeded by selling is high: Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Bethany Frankle, Sarah Blakely, Jeff Bezos — the list goes on. Selling is what makes the world work and what drives the economy. Because everything is selling — everything. Nothing ever gets done anywhere until somebody sells something. Whatever…