Construction Technology Your Business Needs in 2019

Construction Technology Your Business Needs in 2019 | Technology | Converge

If you own a construction company, you’ll already know that the industry benefits hugely from new technologies. Times are changing, and companies now rely on new technologies more than ever before. It not only means your workers are saved a lot of time and energy, but you can also take on more clients because production is faster and more efficient. So, which technologies are a must for 2019?


There’s nothing as good as visiting the construction site and seeing things with your own two eyes. But drones are definitely the next best thing. When you haven’t got time to get to site and you need to see what’s going on in order to make necessary changes, drones can give you an aerial view of real-time progress. In addition, they’re a great way of capturing the development of a project from start to finish, which can be used to show potential clients your work.

3D Printing

3D printing has already started to make its way into mainstream life. For the average person, once a 3D printer has been purchased, all that’s needed is the prints to create things they would ordinarily go and buy, like a spanner for instance. When it comes to the construction industry, the use of 3D printers could potentially be limitless. For example, in the future, Ranger Lifting and Rigging could use 3D printing to design rigs. Of course, this is on a massive scale, but a Chinese construction company is already using this type of printing to build homes.

Construction Technology Your Business Needs in 2019 | Technology | Converge


Augmented and Virtual Reality

Again, AR and VR have the potential to completely revolutionise the construction industry. It’s not only the newest form of efficient health and safety but it can also help with monitoring progress, co-design and much more. Similarly, it could become one of the best ways to earn new and profitable clients. VR is likely to become the best way of giving a potential client a virtual tour of a current or previous project.

Think Nanometres

For years, the construction industry has been searching for a material that could make erecting buildings easier and quicker. Engineers have been hard at work and finally have created a material that fits the bill. Carbon nanotubes are just a nanometre in thickness but have the highest strength to weight ratio of any material ever used. This is incredible news for construction and it’s likely to mean a quick turnaround in projects that would otherwise take up valuable time.

Smart Helmets

No longer are workers forced to use helmets that have minimal benefits. Smart Helmets are new technology that come with special lenses and even 4D augmented reality that can caution workers about potential dangers. These helmets can also give workers detailed information about the sites they’re working on which could help whole construction teams avoid have to re-plan because of unforeseen environmental factors.

When the construction industry changes, it changes massively. So, don’t be the last to jump on the bandwagon.

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