Lazy Ways To Save The Planet

Lazy Ways To Save The Planet | Converge

You don’t have to renovate the entirety of your house to save the planet. You don’t have to fashion your own clothes from leaves and twigs you have collected to become an eco-warrior. You don’t have to stand outside your local government office to protest their tree-cutting practices to create more apartment buildings.

You don’t have to do any of these things (unless you wanted to). If going green in your life seems like too much hard work, know this.

There are lazy ways to save the planet.

Here are a just a few of the things you could do to save the planet, and you will barely raise a sweat with any of them.

  • Call an Uber. You know that traffic pollution is a problem for the carbon footprint, but if you are reluctant to use your legs to get from A to B as a solution, call an Uber instead. Sure, it’s another car on the road, but it’s not your car, so that means there is one less vehicle emitting toxic emissions into the environment. And as Uber are initiating greener strategies, you are supporting one company that is making the effort to literally clean up its act on the roads.
  • Rely on the weather. Save money on your water bill (and cut down your water wastage) by ordering a sustainable rainwater tank from  Team Poly, and reduce your electricity consumption by having solar panels installed. Okay, so a couple of renovations may be needed at home for this point to work, but you could always hire the services of a contractor to do the job for you. Come rain or shine, you can then rely on the weather to showcase your green credentials without you having to put too much effort in.
  • Don’t wash your clothes. We aren’t saying never wash your clothes – think of the smell – but you don’t need to change your outfits every day of the week. According to this article, you can re-wear your clothes up to four or five times before putting them in the wash, so this is one household chore you can cut back on. And by doing so, you will save water and slash your CO2 emissions. Result!
  • Join a cause. If you can’t be bothered working for a green charity, the least you can do is sign up to one and offer your support with a signature of approval or a cash donation. We have included a list of organizations here, each one set up to protect our oceans, so if cleaning up your local beach is too much like  hard work for you, follow one of our links and solidify your support from your armchair.
  • Work from your bed. This is the ultimate in laziness, but If your job allows it, why not consider working from home instead of commuting to the office every day. You can set yourself up in bed, with your laptop on your knee and your office essentials on your bedside table. And if you are looking for another job, these are some of the bed-friendly options available to you.

So, if you have dragged your lazy feet in going green thus far, you now have no excuses. We have only given you a few examples, and there is probably more, so lift your finger (even if it is for the first time today) and do a little research online. Saving the world is everybody’s business, be you an active or lazy participant.

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