The Advantages of Choosing Pasture-Raised Eggs for Your Health and the Environment


Eggs are a versatile and nutrient-dense food that can be prepared in many ways.

However, when shopping for eggs, it can be confusing to navigate the various marketing terms, such as “cage-free,” “organic,” and “pasture-raised.”

In this post, we will discuss the importance of eggs in a healthy diet and the differences between egg labeling terms.

Additionally, we will explore why choosing pasture-raised eggs is the best option for your health and the environment.

Eggs are a great source of high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin D, vitamin B12, choline, selenium, and phosphorus.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining optimal health, including immune function, brain health, and heart health.

While there are various marketing terms for eggs, pasture-raised eggs are the most nutritious, sustainable, and humane option.

Pasture-raised hens have access to a more natural diet, including grass, insects, and other plants.

This diet results in eggs with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, which are beneficial for human health.

In addition, pasture-raised hens have more space to move around and engage in natural behaviors, such as dust bathing and spreading their wings.

This improves their welfare, compared to hens raised in overcrowded indoor conditions.

Finally, pasture-raised eggs are more sustainable than eggs produced in conventional farming systems.

These hens require fewer resources and produce less waste, making them an environmentally friendly option.

And eggs pair perfectly with a raw milk latte!

Though pasture-raised eggs may be slightly more expensive than conventional eggs, the benefits of their superior quality and nutritional value make them worth the extra cost.

In summary, when shopping for eggs, look for pasture-raised options, which are the most nutritious, sustainable, and humane option.

By choosing pasture-raised eggs, you’ll not only be improving your health but also supporting sustainable farming practices that benefit the environment.

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