When Two Become Three: Don’t Let These Health Complaints Leave Your Relationship In Critical Condition

When Two Become Three: Don't Let These Health Complaints Leave Your Relationship In Critical Condition | Health | Converge

When we get married, we all say the fatal words – ‘through sickness and in health.’ At the time, we mean them with all our hearts. We can’t imagine anything worse than leaving our loved one during difficult health times. But, when a health condition becomes a third party in the relationship, many of us find ourselves questioning whether we can keep that promise.

Sometimes, problems with health can become problems in a relationship. And, when that happens, it can be difficult to stick around. While few of us would leave our spouses if they became seriously unwell, then, there are underlying problems which could leave a relationship in critical condition. And, when they strike, the only way to get back on track is to deal with them as soon as possible. 

Sadly, that’s something many of us avoid doing. It may be that we’re embarrassed, or that we don’t realize the toll our health is taking. Either way; you should take action if the following conditions have become third parties in your love life.

Mental illness

When Two Become Three: Don't Let These Health Complaints Leave Your Relationship In Critical Condition | Health | Converge

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Mental illness has the unique ability to change who we are. That’s bad news considering it’s our personalities our partners fell in love with. To make matters worse, we attempt to hide depression and other such problems. That can leave our other halves thinking that the sudden change is a personal choice rather than a health condition. The answer, of course, is to be honest. At least once they know about your mental struggles, your partner will be able to understand the change in you. Then, together, you’ll be able to seek therapy and other treatments to get back as you were.

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction had to get a look in here. Most often, we consider this to mean the kicker – erectile dysfunction. A man’s inability to retain arousal can leave an entire relationship in jeopardy. A partner will feel undesirable, while embarrassment will keep the sufferer from addressing the problem. Again, talking through issues like these is far better for a relationships than pretending they aren’t happening. Once you start discussing things, you can together begin researching treatments like GAINSWave to get things back on track. Note, too, that is isn’t only the big ED which can cause sexual issues. Other problems like premature ejaculation and female sexual dysfunction are also relationship killers which need attention before things get fatal.

When Two Become Three: Don't Let These Health Complaints Leave Your Relationship In Critical Condition | Health | Converge

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Sleep apnea

Many of us make jokes about a snoring partner, but this condition can also take its toll. If obstructive sleep apnea is severe, you may even have to start sleeping apart. That alone can lead to a slow decline of affection in the relationship. Luckily, there are methods, such as a continuous positive airway pressure device, which can help to reduce even the worst apnea. Instead of thinking your partner is overreacting, then, consider the impact your snoring is having, and get it sorted so you can sleep in the arms of the one you love once more.

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