Simple Ways to Improve Your Office’s Work Environment

Simple Ways to Improve Your Office's Work Environment | Business | Converge

The environment that you work in does have an impact on how you do things. You can impact your productivity, mood, motivation, and overall work performance by the space that you are working in. If the office is dark, dreary, and just plain uninviting, then it can be hard to feel energised or motivated to get things done. Which is why creating an environment at work that is conducive to productivity is something that is going to help the success of your company.

If you are looking for ways to make a productive and more enjoyable work environment, then here are some of the things that you can be doing. It will depend on your brand and work ethos, but there are a few things that are going to work for everyone. It can be worth putting in the time to make sure that you have productive employees.

Hire the Right Employees in the First Place

The businesses that really do succeed are going to be the ones that start with hiring the right people for the job in the first place. Of course, things like qualifications do play a big part in who you hire, but you also need to think about how well the person will fit into the team; what are some of the ways that you could test that in the interview? When you have people that clash or don’t get along, then it can lead to toxic environments in the workplace, as well as people who would have normally worked well, suddenly not as being productive as they can then be more toxic themselves.

Make it Fun

Making a fun office doesn’t have to be exactly like the Google offices, but something along those lines (and what is within the budget) can be a really good idea. For example, having a rest area or breakout space to relax in can be a good idea, so that the team can really differentiate from the office and doing work and where they can relax. The aim is that they will be more productive when they know ‘right, I’m going back to do work now,’ rather than the two areas blurring together. Making it a comfortable space is a good idea, as well as things that can make it more fun, such as table football, table tennis, or even something like a vending machine or frozen dessert machine. Look for a top frozen dessert machine company and then you could add a real selling point to the office. Perks and rewards have also been shown to improve productivity as they can enjoy being at work more and see that it is more ‘worth it.’

Improve Lighting

Believe it or not, the lighting in an office plays a part in how well your team perform, as well as their attitude to work. A study at the University of Carolina that found that natural light and the exposure to it, can lift the mood and energy of the people in the space. And when you have a lifted mood and more energy, it can play a great part in impacting productivity and focus. So something as simple as getting better lighting or having an office with more windows, or larger windows, can make a difference to how productive your team is.

Comfortable Office

When you work in a clean and attractive office space, it does impact your mood and how you feel. Walking into a bright office space can lift your mood and make it easier to be at work. But by going the extra mile and making sure that the office space is really comfortable be the icing on the cake. For starters, there are obvious things that can make an office comfortable. But have you asked your team what they would be looking for? For some, a desk that allows them to stand up and stand as they work can be what is more comfortable for them. For others, there will be other things that they prefer for comfort. But make sure that you know what they want, and then it can help them to be more productive.

A final note that touches on what we were just talking about, is that communication and keeping communication open is really important. When your team feel like they can talk to you about what is going on in the workplace, it helps to deal with any issues that arise before they become too much of a big thing. Then the work can carry on doing well, when everyone is happy and on the same page.

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